Bow Coupling Systems
Due to years of experience in supplying bow coupling installations, the VOSTA LMG MK3 bow coupling installation has evolved into a mature product, which is easy to operate and maintenance friendly. Because the MK3 bow coupling is also compatible with other makes of bow couplings, the highest degree of flexibility is achieved.
How does our coupling work?
- Connect the floating pipe line to the hoisting wire
- Hoist into the click-in ball joint and close the click-in
- The hydraulic control block will adapt automatically to the increasing hoisting load and will prevent the male part from being pulled into the click-in ball joint too fast
VOSTA MK3 Bow Coupling Installation
The bow coupling installation mainly consists of a welded steel frame, which is mounted on the fore trestle of the ship and a hydraulic hoisting winch.
The steel frame contains a hydraulically operated click-in ball joint, dredge line bend, upper roll for the hoisting wire and optionally a rainbow nozzle.
The unit is equipped with an operating panel and a hydraulic control block.